Olivia Vasquez

My love for traveling started as most twenty-somethings do, with my study abroad experiences in college. I graduated from Wofford College with a degree in Government and participated in a study abroad program in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Following that program, I taught English to novice Buddhist monks in Laos during my senior year. Living in that small southeastern Asian town opened my eyes to how big our world really is and since then I decided I was going to dedicate my life to exploring its every crevice. After graduation, I made a pretty spontaneous decision by packing up my things and moved to Germany. For 15 months I worked at a ski resort and lodge and took every chance I had to travel throughout Europe. When the time came for me to move back stateside, I decided to dedicate my career path to helping people discover their passion for travel just as I had. I was lucky enough to find Jetset World Travel and begin my career in showing other people that there is a great big world out there waiting to be explored. I love making our clients’ travel vision come to life all while helping them personalize their dream vacation! I’m a strong believer in seizing every moment, and with Epperly Travel I get to help our clients get the most out of their adventures. I have been to 25 countries and counting, and I cannot wait to help you explore another bucket list destination off your list!
Atlanta, GA

What's your favorite travel memory?

Waking up to do Tai Chi on the bow of a boat in HaLong Bay. I was with my small study abroad group and we had an overnight stay on the boat. It was the coolest experience ever.
Olivia Vasquez

Where have you traveled to around
the world? (LIST ALL PLACES)

Germany, Italy. Greece, Vietnam, Cambodia. Mexico, Costa Rica, England, France, Dominican Republic, Laos, Austria, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic
